CHAPTER 3: County Website Organization

County Website Organization

A county website contains information appropriate for that county. This information includes levy rates, assessor information, and parcel information.

County Home Page Menu

The County Home page is used to navigate throughout the county's website. There are three County Home page menu items.

Like the home page menu, clicking on one of these main menu items will replace the sub-menu on the left side of the screen with its own sub-menu. It will also replace the center part of the screen with the appropriate content.

Subscriber Page

The Subscriber page has a Log In Menu, Subscription Information, and Website Contacts.

Appraisal Assistant Page

By clicking the Appraisals button you will be able to access the Appraisal Assistant. This is an online program that allows a user to search for subject and comparable properties. It has the ability to save and compare up to 7 parcels (1 subject and 6 comparables). It has the capability of showing detailed parcel info, building sketches, and for some counties, photos. A more detailed description can be found in Chapter 5.