A state website contains information appropriate for that state. This information includes data
The State Home page is used to navigate throughout the state's website. There are six State
Home page menu items.
Like the USAssessor.com home page menu, clicking on one of these main menu items will replace the sub-menu on the left side of the screen with its own sub-menu. It will also replace the center part of the screen with the appropriate content.
Like the USAssessor.com home page menu, clicking on one of these main menu items will replace the sub-menu on the left side of the screen with its own sub-menu. It will also replace the center part of the screen with the appropriate content.
The Contacts page lists the phone numbers, address, and office hours of each office contact.
The Handbook page is a site tutorial for USAssessor.com. Select the items you are interested
in by clicking on the appropriate icon.
The Updates sub-menu is for displaying last update date of Counties in the State. It also shows
if the county has Mapping data, Photo or Sketch.
Click SUBSCRIBE menu item will direct you to USAssessor subscription service website.
The Log In menu is an area to type your user login and password. Type your user login in the
Login box, type your password in the Password box then click the Log In button. If your login
and passwords are correct, you will be immediately logged into the website.